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Contestations in Architecture #1


Lecture by: Jason O’Shaughnessy

Response by: Michiel Riedijk

Date: 21st APRIL 2017

Time: 12:45-13:30

Location: Zaal A

Conditioned by the correspondences and disjunctions between architecture and the body, this talk will consider ways in which the contemporary city is now considered as a contested field of exchanges, that firmly displaces any imagined belief in such a thing as the “ideal city”. Focusing on a number of design projects for Athens – understood as a European prototype condition for architectural, democratic, sociological and other modern systems – the aim is to examine some ways in which we might understand, record, anticipate, and engage some of these new fluxing agencies. Central to this, and perhaps even vital? – is determining how architecture might propagate some provocative new responses to the

contemporary crises that affects Athens and Greece.

Jason O’Shaughnessy - Athens: Excursus into the City and some Creative Fusions

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