In-between Territories
MSc Studio
Participants of Bordeaux Studio
During September 2019, the 308 - Centre of Architecture in Nouvelle Aquitaine in collaboration with the research group Borders&Territories - Studio Bordeaux and in partnership with EQUITONE hosted the exhibition “In-between territories” in the courtyard of the 308.
The Borders&Territories group from the Technical University of Delft, in cooperation with the National School of Architecture and Landscape of Bordeaux and St. Lucas University of Ghent/Brussels, organised an international workshop focused on the areas between the local airport and the historical centre of Bordeaux. It started with a walk/drift of 6 hours in this hybrid landscape, wild mix of architectural typologies and others. This physical, intellectual and sensory exploration was then translated into 2 maps of 6 metres long and became the basis to develop the projects of the Bordeaux studio. It is the result of this research work that is presented in this exhibition: an analysis of the territory, cartography and architectural and urban interventions conducted by students of different nationalities.
The photographs of the exhibition had been taken by Arthur Pequin.